
IT Essential: Browsershots--讓你測試網站在各種瀏覽器畫面的工具網站



"What is Browsershots?
Browsershots makes screenshots of your web design in different browsers. It is a free open-source online service created by Johann C. Rocholl. When you submit your web address, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make screenshots and upload them to the central server here."


  • Linux: 25種browser versions
  • Windows: 21種browser versions
  • Mac OS: 5種browser versions
  • BSD: 4種browser versions

不只包含各家browser,也包含各種舊版本的畫面,另外還可以針對Screen Size, Color Depth, JavsScript, Java, 以及Flash等各種規格特別指定,對於想要測試網頁在各家browser呈現的效果的人來說,是一個很方便的工具。

該服務是免費的Open Source專案,當你送出網址該系統會排入job queue,散佈各地的電腦接受網址請求並瀏覽網站後,將畫面回傳給server,由於結果必須等待一段時間才會完成,該服務會給你一組url讓你可以之後回來檢查。

此服務收費採Google AdSense廣告與優先處理收費(Priority processing for your screenshot)

"If you send me 10 Euros or 15 Dollars, I will give you a month of priority processing. This means that your URLs don't have to wait in the job queue, they will be processed before all other requests. "

